I've worn glasses since I was a boy of seven. That was waaaay back in 1990. Big was in. That's what I had. Big, clunky glasses. Throughout the years, I never warmed up to the idea of visiting the optometrist. I wished I didn't have to wear those nerdy specs. That and, I got stuck in the restroom while waiting for an eye exam once, which further traumatized me.
I always went for basic, non-descript frames. No need to rock the boat. As I got older there were two major instances: I nearly passed out when I tried on contacts (can't touch my eye for anything), and I concluded that a laser and eye shouldn't meet. I'll have these glasses for my life.
OK! Why not embrace them and make them part of my ensemble. Eyewear should play into your overall look. Why treat it like that that awful-tasting side dish. It's such a big part of style and it took me time to realize it.
*Make glasses an extension of your personality
*Don't be afraid to experiment with color and shapes
*Take a trusted friend or spouse when you pick out frames
*Think outside the box; if you have a great pair of sun glass frames you like, get prescription lenses for them
*Check ebay for vintage frames
*Don't limit yourself to the frames at your local eyeglass emporium
*Hop on those two-for-one deals. Having two (or more) pair of eyeglasses gives you some options in the morning.
Try Paul Frank. They make some absolutely amazing (and affordable) frames. Like the ones above.
Check out Paul Frank at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Paul-Frank-Optics/113189870365 and paulfrank.com
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