06 December, 2008

Football style...sort of

Today is championship Saturday in college football. There are lots of great match-ups on the field. Florida and Alabama is a big one, especially in a city 40 miles away from the Gainesville (home of the Florida Gators). High school football in Florida is winding down, state title and semifinals games have been decided. I shot video at one Friday evening and have covered prep games during this season. A trend continues that I just can't get behind. The nylon-jacket, sneaker and visor wearing coaches. I wasn't exactly alive during the days of Bear Bryant or Joe Paterno's early days but I am still able to appreciate the style they brought to the game. Shirts and ties, coats and hats on the sidelines. That, to me, commands authority. Don't get me wrong, a tie won't make players catch every pass but, it will elevate the coach to looking like he's in charge. When Urban Meyer and Tim Tebow wear the same jacket during a quick discussion I'm feeling like they're a band of equals. It's college, a time for maturity and a certain expected progression in manliness. A coach who is a buddy is fine, but I look for something more. Something more than baggy, pleated chinos, logo-emblazoned sideline jackets, visors (which are just plain ugly and useless) and two-sizes-too-big polos. I want the Bryant days which Jim Tressel (Ohio State) brings. Ties, sweater vests, dress shirts, hell, shirts with long sleeves. Maybe not every piece should bear the team logo. Everyone knows. Alass, it's all about the cash. Nike pays big money for the visible swoosh logo every .1 second of a college game. It'snot dressing up, it's dressing for the occassion. I'd say millions of tv viewers and thousands at a stadium are a pretty good audience to do it up a bit. Just look at NBA and college basketball coaches. Nuff said.


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